The social calendar at Grafton Oaks is full! We also offer frequent outings including shopping, restaurants, ice cream parlors, cinemas, and museums. And we always find a reason to throw a good party! Grafton Oaks has happy hour every Friday afternoon, DJ hosted outdoor picnics throughout the spring and summer, Halloween Boo Bash, Thanksgiving Feast, and a resident’s Christmas Party.

Sample of Events:
- Bingo including an all-night bingo
- Happy hour
- Games and trivia
- Movies
- Field trips & outings
- Current events & newspaper reading
- Stretching & fitness
- Singing & entertainment
- DJ hosted picnics
- Birthday parties
- Manicures
- Cooking & Crafts
- Religious services
Along with our provided activity program, remaining connected to the community is very important to many of our residents. Currently, we have residents who attend support groups, workshops, audit college classes and attend various church functions.